Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Miss Jack

Miss Jenga

Mr. Larry

Miss Scraps

That Woman

The Funniest LOLCat e.v.a.r.!

Wishing you all Good Fishes for the New Year! 
With much love and purrs going out special to The Admiral! 

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Thursday, December 30, 2010

There are actually five cats in this photo.  Can you find them all?  You may have to click the image larger to find them. 

*hint; one is covered in stars*

So I'm home alone reading by the fire.  It's lovely!  The Gurl is with her dad and they are going to the desert riding this weekend. 

The big news is that Mr. Larry may have found himself a permanent home.  The adopter will be driving here from San Luis Opispo (no mean feat of four hours driving one way!) next Friday to meet him and take him home.  I'm really excited but as many of you know until I see tail lights I don't get too worked up. That's how it goes in rescue sometimes. 

I will miss him terribly lots but my joy at him finding his person and having the run of his new home to himself overrides (mostly) my mawkishness. 

So; must tend the fire; get back to my book & tomorrow all day will be spent in the sewing room getting many things ready for their trip to Rome!  (and other destinations!)  Larry will be happy that I'll be 'his' all day tomorrow too.

Here's the fifth cat- covered in stars
Beloved Coco

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CatNip Quilts for Brighton!

Ok kitties from everywheres! 

Since so many of you bid on the CatNip Quilts That Woman makes she wanted to lets you know; if you wants; you can buy one for $30.00 each and she will gives Missy Teri 25% of dat.  Dat way anykitty who wants one can haz one & still be doing a great thing for Mr. B & Missy T.  K?  Any questions; or if you wants one... Please email That Woman here:  stacy (at) rocketmail (dot) com.  (You can also use the 'donate' button over to the right and put in the amount; your kitties names etc.) 

AND if you orders one (or more) Please puts your kitteh's name so She can putz it on da quilty.  Plus! She is tossin in a free CatNip bird too! 

P.P. Essss.  She has LOTS of different colors and fabrics so you don'tz gotta has dis one; you can have a fancy one dat will match something in your house.  (She is sucha doofus; I tellz her to make the cute catz one but She says some of peoples wants it to match their stuffs) 

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some Laffs

Because my dear Sistah Ms. Admiral was at the Vets and not doing well; now (hopefully she is home) and as everykitty knows; laffs make you feelz better. 

So.  I'm sharing the card I gotz from THE DOG.  Mr. Riley is a lovely being and tho we've never met him in furr-son  we know he lubz us and we lubz hims. 

Dis card we gotz and we lubz it!  Especially his special note to ME us. 

Now I don't care whoz you are... dat right dere is some funny !
Den dere waz dis onez too...  Dis one is really more for Stellie but if you see Mr. Puddy's post today dis is for him too! xoxo


Friday, December 24, 2010

at Holiday Time!

Oh, That daft ole besom poor woman who never cooks at all is practically beside herself baking like mad.  A Peach Cobbler is in the oven(and between you and me I can't imagine why...she barely touches the treadmill these days!) The Chicken Pot Pie (homemade) is out ; FINALLY!  This is the one that I truly love. I sit by her leg and baked chicken is the ONLY thing I will beg for.  *besides bacon; but that's bacon and goes without saying that everykitty should have some begs for.  Tomorrow will bring different smelling peoples and they will bring different smelling foods.  Life is a true smorgasboard if yer THE cat!

Hijacked her fingers to say Merry Christmas to all our furriends we've made on the CB and elsewhere.  It gives her something to look forward to each day to read what everyone's up to and to see all your charming furraces.  *and feets*  and I like seeing what my fellow felines are up to. 

So; since her food is getting cold & that chickkin hasn't hit the floor yet; I'm signing off for the hollydays till Monday when she's back at work & I can have the place to myself again!

Enjoy whatever holiday you celebrate!  Drinks all around!  (oh no wait' that was Her!)  Love and Good Fishes to all!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ms. Stella is watchin

I'm tellin' you right now; if Fat Boy doesn't show up with some Nip this Christmas, there will be consequenses.  S E V E R E consequenses. 

I'll be right here; sharpening my claws; waiting....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Auction for a Good Cause!

*sorry if this is duplicated; Ms. Stella said it was all right to post this up for her dear friend Brighton!*

Right now there is a rather heated auction going on and I'm happy to say that one of my Catnip Quilts is at the center of it!

So I thought I'd take a moment to let my art blogger friends know about it in case they might have cats of their own &; would want one of my Catnip quilts! 

The funds are 100% donated to help a fellow cat blogger AND a dear friend of mine Teri Thorsteinson.  So come on over &; check it out!  I'm bidding too on some other wayyy cute stuff!!  You can see lovely FiFi playing with one of Teri's quilts I gave her here and it's the cutest thing evar!!! 

The auction for these current 30 items goes until the 20th of December; (but shhhhhh... next week there might be another surprise along with one of these!)

Piece Out!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Early Christmas Gift!

To Myself!  I guess I'm entitled to this small thing during the holidays right???  LOL  Anyhow; I purchased this lovely turquoise bracelet from Sharla at BeadedTail;

(p.s. that's my grandmom's wedding band  I wrote about here: the other bracelet is from Ireland and it is the Children of Lir swans I bought after I made the quilt)

I LOVE her stuff and it is priced to fit my single mom, it's Christmas, now the car is making a funny noise budget...  What I love almost as much as my darling new bracelet is the adorable way she wraps the box with enchanting paw print wrapping paper and red satin ribbon .  And then there's this:
I love dat widdel piddy!  He's fuzzy!!!
Sharla, if you're reading this; I'd like to order another bracelet just like this one and  since my BFF wrists are 'freakishly small' it should be 6 1/2" I'm thinking.  :)  Let me know  xoxo  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

a small (ish) confession

Ok; so this is basically the cats blog.  Anykitty can see that.  I am a foster mom of two gorgeous Bengal cats.  I am currently possessed by three 'moggies' of my own.  If you were to come to my home you would see instantly that we are cat people.  You can tell by all the bird feeders hanging right outside the windows. 

Inside you would find a house where practically every flat surface has spaces for cats to perch, preen, snooze or just be antisocial.  (funny how many verbs can apply interchangeably from cats to birds (and vice versa).  The dining room table where we used to take our meals has no chairs around it anymore and apart from the single giant water dish in the middle; it's free from any seasonal ddecorations.  (Let's face it; I don't want to risk my Grandmothers gorgeous apple pottery dishes to a moody crabby feline Ms. Stella!) who would take it upon herself to redecorate everything to the floor.   (That way as I bend to pick up the offending pieces she can step down off the table onto my back and then glide to the floor- ya; she's like that.)   

I have been know to leave my heated blanket on during the day for the comfort of one kitty.  I have been know to get up out of my chair (for the umteenth time in an hour) to play the 'revolving door' game with a seemingly incontinent kitty.  I have woken up at all hours to mewling outside my bedroom door only to find a cat who just wanted to run amok with an audience.   

Why do I tell you all this?  Because I have a confession to make.  Today; the dog groomer in the suite adjacent to ours came over.  She brought in a pair of these: 

This is a standard size poodle.  I had no idea they came in any other size but small; yappy; or piddly.   I was completely enchanted.  "Miss Molly" was so well mannered & when she gave me her paw to shake; it was like holding air!  She didn't do that heavy-hot-breathing-in-your-face thing that large dogs do.  Such a perfect lady!  Of course, her owners obviously have worked with her a great deal and the effort was noticeable but the groomer had nothing but glowing things to say for the breed.  (She herself a retired dog breeder of the show circuit) While I'm still extremely apprehensive around dogs (I've been bitten twice; one of those was on the face from a dog who 'never had any history of such behavior!)  Miss Molly put me right at ease and completely turned my head.  Something in her demeanor I guess.  I have always  loved dogs from afar.  I DO, I just don't trust them.  If ever I was to get a dog (tho I can't imagine it) I would get one of these.  She is truly a lovely being wrapped up in all that curly fur and brown eyed tenderness (to borrow a phrase).  What a love. 

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

and with a heavy heart

R. I. P.
our 'Big Lu'  (St. Lucy) 05/01/1998 - 12/08/2010
All our love and purrs until we meet again

Friday, December 03, 2010

Miss Jenga says

wha? there was a cold spot on the top of my head!
I lovez this squishy robe; I make muffins on it till I drool and kitteh law statute 17. 6 A states: "Thou shalt not ever post photos of kitteh's in such a nirvanic state where drooling is evident." 

From That Woman: All cats must know this as I've never seen a photo online of this phenomenon though I hear about it all the time! 

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


that occured somewhere between Sunday night and Tuesday night...

Ms.Stell " Excuse me, I'm sitting/napping here (on three of these four nice big quilty blankets I'm sure you made just FOR ME). Please turn the volume down on the tele so I can get some rest."
That Woman: 'No, you are mistaken.  These quilts are for a nice lady who's husband passed away a few years ago.  She had tons of his old t-shirts and wanted to gift each of her children with a quilt made from them. In other words Ms Stella... She's a paying customer so I should think you'd be a bit more tolerant considering the work you are curled up on is what is keeping you in your favorite Temptations Salmon Flavored treats, not to mention the heating bill, and fabric softner for your woobie"

Ms. Stella: "I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying I hate it when you mumble so."

*next evening...still more work to be done and this is what I come home to*
That Woman :"Honestly YOU TWO!  Now I'll need to delint them all on top of finishing them!"

Miss Jack: "zzzZZZZ wha? Lady, you've got some nerve to wake a person from a perfectly good catloaf nap! And while yer at it Woman kindly remove the voodoo pins as I nearly injured my paw when turning around earlier!"

That Woman: "Do you see what I'm holding in my hand? It's a loaded water bottle, if I get any more catbuttitude from either of you I promise I'll use it!"

Miss Jack: "BBbuuuuuhhhwwwhhhaahhahahaaaaa!  Don't make me laugh so hard you daft cow I nearly rolled right off!"
That Woman: *sigh*

Monday, November 29, 2010

So adorable; had to share!

 I just love the look on this face!

Sending this to a friend but wanted to share with all my 'Cat Bud's' first!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Larry prepares for Thanksgiving

I'm happy to see he's branching out. 

You can view the rest of his collection here

Happy Thanksgiving to all! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Miss Jenga enjoys a walk

Miss Jengs gets some sun (and a dandelion or two).

 I know that Bengal rescue cats that are in my care aren't supposed to go outside at all.  This is to prevent them from becoming 'door darters'

But just look at her!  The sun was out; it was breezy and she LOVES having the sun all over her furrs.  (and dandylions) and since she's been in my care she has been relegated to one room of the house.  My bedroom.  It's about 10ft x 12ft and not much fun to 'get up speed' for a thundering herd of one. 

I H.A.T.E. having her locked in solitary all the time.  But given the alternative since she's not been adopted yet I guess it's better than nothing.   

Jeng's has been with me for nearly two years now.  Still no takers.  She's an older cat and wouldn't 'do' with other cats so that limits her options.  Since she's at my house, and she gets to see Stella go out in the backyard (occasionally they have ladycat chats over the honeysuckle bush) I have been taking the liberty of letting her out for very brief periods of time if the sun is out and I'm right there with her.  She loves it; her eyes get the most amazing color outdoors and she loves to stalk bugs and stand right next to my legs staring up at me chatting.  Such a good girl!   

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday shortie

when it's boring pouring outside; I'm staying in.  Wake me when it stops.

Miss Jack...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On the subject of... hair

Shamelessly stolen from LOLCats

Doesn't get funnier than that!

I mean seriously!  Look at those kitteh cheeks!  (and stellar frootbats!)

Then we have the on going dilemma of my own hair.  So last night I went from this

To this...

and I'm quite happy about it.  Neckline needs to grow in some but since I rarely look at the back of my neck, I can deal with it.

And since this really is the 'cat blog' here's a shot of Mr. Larry

yup; that's the ceiling and no... we're not hobbits.   I was standing on a chair to get this.  I had moved a roll of calligraphy paper off that basket and next thing you know, Mr. L has decided it's HIS basket now thank you very much!

Here's  a lovely parting shot of Mr. L in his window that is the sun behind him. The curtain is heavy red velvet.  In the morning he greets the day by warming up and watching the birds.  And yes, telling anyone within earshot about each and every flutter.   (Doesn't wake The Gurl though... thank goodness she's a teen & could very well sleep through the apocolypse) 

I'll need to get a shot when he stands up and just sticks his head around the curtin so all you see in his shadow is a headless body but a tail that goes on for miles!  Darling!

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Bats and Big Cats!

You can't even SEE my beautiful bats!  But looks how tiny my whiskers iz! 

Dis is me too.. I iz soooo widdle and tiny meowiez. 

I'z all big now & my bats are clean as whistles! 
xoxo Mr. Larry

Meet Lucy!
This is a shot of our Beloved 'Big Lu' (short for Lucy or Lucifer!)
She was found abandoned as a kitten and brought to us when The Gurl was 5! 
She quickly grew into a GIANT Ragdoll kitteh.  Her paws are so large just one takes up the entire palm of my hand!    It was fate really, the folks who found Big Lu brought her to us on May 6th; Grandma's birthday.  Grandma had come over because we made her a birthday dinner to celebrate.   Big Lu and her hit it off right from the start but Gram still had her cat Ebeneezer at that time.  After Ebeneezer (a black persian) went on ahead to his next assignment three years ago, Grandma was bereft but Big Lu had always loved her best so we agreed to let her go adn they have been together ever since.     

We are going to visit Grandma for Thanksgiving & will take pix of our Big Lu and post them! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth commence

"WHAT is that gawd awful noise?"

"Oh, it's you. 

all right; if you must... you may kiss The Paw-

now run along and stop yer whining.  No one really cares that your email was hijacked for a second time forcing you to cancel the email address you've had for 15 years and get a new one...


They don't. 

They only care about Me; so make sure all my friends know how to reach me now or I'll give you something to cry about! "