Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Slumberin' Sunday
In Other News...
Our beloved Ms. Jenga is still having trouble in the bathroom area. She has had to go on more antibiotics but thankfully was giving pain medication to take home too. (With many thanks to Missie Teri for her late nite consult and paw holding!) Now both of us should be able to sleep.
I've had my fair share of bladder infections (seems us natural gingers are prone to them). They can be mild but they can also be exceedingly painful and cause you to have chills, fever, etc... So, when Ms. Jengs started meyowling during the night and spending more time in the box than out of it, I wanted to help her as fast as I could. She is home resting now and seems to be enjoying her pain medication.
While at the vets I grabbed a couple shots of two of the three cats that reside at the clinic. The first is Lucky, he's giant! And pure white, he has a gold & blue eye and he is completely deaf. He is a grumpy old man...
(as evidenced in the photo)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Black Friday Special Deal!
Bonus: you can reuse the ornaments for other holidays too!
Leave them up for that Once-a-Year, 'Black Tie' celebration of New Year's Eve!
This particular model would just purrrfect for a Halloween zombie theme too!
(red food coloring not pictured)
Hurry and order yours today!
Comes with a free limited** lifetime warranty!
**which means once you get it out of the box it came in, it's yours!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
don't know why i think of Katnip Lounge when I watch this one. But I LOL'd so many times cuz it's all true!!!
Kitten Kaboodle Update
Did you know that if you have cared for an animal for more than two weeks it is considered yours?
And if you try to then turn it over to the animal shelter after not being able to find a home for it yourself, they charge you. Per cat it was going to be $81.00. times 7!
So needless to say we returned the cats to the apartment. I called a friend who is a vet and she said if we could drive them the 45 minutes to the clinic where she works they will take them.
So we are going to make arrangements for Saturday to do that.
Fingers and paws crossed my darlings.
*Oh, and if you think getting one cat into a carrier when it doesn't want to go is easy, try getting 5 in one! The first couple cats went in willingly when we did the old 'toss in the treats - then close the door' trick. After that of course, the jig is up and it gets more interesting.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Oi Vey!
Monday, November 21, 2011
We interrupt this blogcast...
Normally I'm only in the food section.
Went to the litter box section looking for the great litter box that Miss Teri showed off
(it was goldish with an side opening and no lid...couldn't find one)
I saw the above and stopped in my tracks
This really hisses me off!
Not only is the name of the product offensive, the picture of the poor
ginger darling in the toilet really sent me over the edge (no pun intended).
Shame on you PetCo!
Just when I had such hope after seeing you installed some 'cat apartments' where homeless cats in rescue can be left there for folks to see and possibly adopt.
**And I bet you a dollar they don't have ANYTHING like this over in the pampered pooch section (which is so large it takes up half the flippin store!) I thought there were more households with cats than dogs in America, what gives?
I forgot
the clothing lines and purse section for those wee in bred elbow riders.
Cats Rule!
P.S.: when i take these crappy new nail clippers back tomorrow I'm going to get the company info on that product and write them a letter. :/ I'm sure Ms. Stella will help
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
'Bout Time!
I will notify you when I am ready to eat.
for those interested; this cat tree is over 6ft tall, it weighs a ton! We got it recently at a garage sale. I only wish we would have got there sooner as they had two of them! It has really nice carpeting and the wood posts are solid 4x4's. I initially thought Miss Jengs would prefer it given she likes to be up high & the bed at the top is made for er... queensize cats. She's been up on it twice but prefers her other tower.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Sunday Sampler
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Whatever, pass the treats...
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Ideas above her station
For those who may not be able to tell them apart, Ms. Stella is on top
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Rescue, Shelter or Trap & Release?
What's not to love?
He's an un-neutered male. He's under a year old. He's got a sleek all black coat. He's just darling & after he let me get close (via a can of fancy feast) he could take all the scritches I could give and in return he would provide me endless leg rubs and head bonks and tiny mews and chatter my heart could hold and then some! He would literally leap to rub up on my leg.
I checked with our vet and he said he would do the neuter for $85.00. Well since Ms. Stella's trip and then Miss Jenga's trip I was tapped out! (Miss Jenga got a bladder infection on Saturday and was seen & given antibiotics and CD prescription diet food- more on that story later...what a mess). **here she is all blissed out on the heating blanket**

There is a spay & neuter clinic (you make an appt. a month ahead of time) and then it's only $50.00. BUT, we'd still be responsible for bringing him home, giving him some after care (not a big deal with either of those really) and then turn him loose. Given that he seems attached to our backyard safety and us I doubt he'd be leaving anytime soon. He's not that wild. Problem there is none of my girls are happy & they are peeing all over the house and it's really got to stop.
The wrinkle? Well there's several, not the least of which he managed to get into a fight couple nights ago and now his left ear is kept flat to his head indicated injury and by the smell of it, infection. He also has an area of scabs on his side that he gets hissy if my searching hands get too close. Chalk up some more medical expenses we aren't prepared to meet.
Sadly, his list of 'pros' quickly turn into many 'con's that only leave the option of getting him to the shelter. There they will hopefully get him well, get him fixed and then out for adoption. He would have approximately a 30 to 40% chance at survival.
This is the decision I made.
And it breaks my heart.
The line between doing the right thing for him, not jeopardizing our own girls health, well being & future vet funds (including one foster all ready) and still trying to hold my head up instead of down in shame is not clear to me.
I wish I could save them all. They all deserve a chance.
I hate this day
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Friday, November 04, 2011
Ms. Stella Has Her Say:

So this whole misunderstanding is no big deal and if the human would have only listened to me in the first place she wouldn’t have been all put out and hysterical. But more importantly, I would not have been so unceremoniously dumped in the carrier and carted off to the *oh stop being such a big baby* place.
When She got up, when went into the bathroom to check the litterbox because as she put it 'It reeeeks in here!' and she thought someone forgot to cover something. Well, what she found instead was a rather colorful yak that was particularly icky…and stinky... big deal! It’s not like I didn’t try and warn her! After all, I had got up on the bed that night, head butted her pillow like crazy, meyowled and mrrrrrt'd and what did I get for my efforts? A bleary Cyclops eye, a quick pet and then she promptly rolled over and went back to sleep!
Well, she sees the yak & and you’d think it was my brains on the carpet or something! Next she feeds us all, and The Gurl drives her to work. It’s at this point kitties that I realize there has been a major oversight. I’m still in the house. How did this happen? he doors are not open. I am not free ...I'm...trapped!
What. The. Hell.
The Gurl returns. I follow her into her cave; make my intentions known by alternately yowling and pacing and head butting her legs. All to no avail. She merely turns up her racket box and gets dressed.
After some time I became exhausted as you might guess. I went to my spot and napped. NEXT thing I know, The Gurl comes to get me “YAY" I think to myself "I’m FREE! She’s going to open the DOOR!!!” *wrong door* She gives me the ol heave-ho into the PTU. Now that I'm more awake, I’m REALLY mad! I tell her so many, many times all with different intonations and decible levels. I just use all of them as she simply refuses to acknowledge this intolerable situation! She must be deaf!
After an interminable, agonizing, unending millennia That Woman enters the vehicle. I am now in the PTU on her lap. I make know all my protestations about the treatment I have received at the hands of her spawn. She only gives me baby talk back! How RUDE! I am a skillion years older than her in human years and I feel her patronizing tone has just gone too far.
After I stop to take a breath, I hear laughter! That’s right kitties! They are laughing at me! Why? Apparently we have stopped and there’s people all looking at our car, meantime I have collected myself and my breath & start to reassert my position now that it’s quiet.
As soon as the car stops again I can smell where we are. I am not amused.
I do see the man doctor that I like so it’s not a total loss. HE at least LISTENS to me and doesn’t pet me in anyway that I don’t like. He takes me (gently) from the table & removes me from the presence of the plebeians who deem themselves my captors.
I won’t go into details about all the things that happen next but I like my doctor & he talks to me the whole time and I talk right back to him telling him if I don’t like something. He also gives me treats for being a ‘good ol gal’. See? What’s not to love?
He takes me back to room with those two clowns who profess to love me. He explains what I already know! I am purrrrrfectly healthy! There’s no bloods in my pee, (of course not, I think they sucked all the bloods outta me!) there’s no irritation near my …er… tail. I haz no bugz! HA!
And what do I get for my troubles?
That’s right; back into the PTU and back into the machine. Me hates it precious! But by this time I’m tired and wore out from my testings and I only yell at those dorks (who are chatting and laughing the entire time) every now and again.
Home to rest. *sigh*
Thanks so much for all your well fishes! I so appreciate knowing that in spite of Laurel & Hardy: there are those out there who love and care about me!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Note from That Woman

Ms. Stella is home tonight resting.
She will tell her side of the story soon.
She has endured many tests.
We were there 2 hours.
She had yaked up something that was mucousy and really bloody & smelled terrible. I was very worried as you can imagine.
After all the tests, the vet said SHE'S FINE. All her bloods are fine; pee is clear, poop shows no bugs. He said she was in amazing shape for being 15 and aside from being a bit under weight (at 8 lbs) she's as fit as a fiddle.
So what the heck?
Maybe something she ate just didn't agree with her.
I'm so relieved. So very relieved and feel so much better knowing that she's also now had her 'old girl' check up too and that's a very good thing to have out of the way. (because I worry over that each year as well)
I can't help but add, it's just like Ms. Stella to freak me out so badly and cost me over 300 bucks to be told she's the healthiest cat around.
Cod I love her!
Added to the stress was trying to find her vet! I had to google her Dr. I called to get her in today & when his name wasn't on the voice mail I was like, what? Stella doesn't like just anyone. It's really important that your cat like your vet especially when you say things like 'anal expression'. He had left the office he worked in when we first met him (I'm so thankful for that actually but won't go into that.) I found him a mile down the road in a bright new lovely clean office with three resident cats, a burly white odd-eyed totally deaf male named Lucky, A giant ginger cross eyed boy named Forrest (Gump) and a darling all black kitten named Milagros (miracle) they call Mila. She's up for adoption. And while you can't wander to 'the back rooms' without a staff person you are free to wander the clinic where the staff are working, etc. ask questions, chat and pet the kitties. The vet techs are AWESOME! So friendly, happy and helpful! (A real change from where he was)
It's a fabulous new place for him and I'm so happy it's his. He was working in partners with three other vets at the last place and they all share the limited staff.
They do all the bloods, pees & poop tests right there.
And there's even a huge grassed, fenced area off the parking lot with chairs & such for recovering goggies to excersize their broked but fixed parts. We thought that really thoughtful of them! Dr. Horn (Stellie's Dr.) specializes in the orthoscopic stuff they use in goggies hips & such. Pawsome!
Whew! I'm wiped. Gonna put my feet up and have some dinner.
Thank you again everyone!
It means so much to us!