Heya Hepcats and Killer LadyCats out there! Pour yourself a strong one and pull up a beddy next to me... I gots somethin to tell ya.
Alla the time I have thought about how I would write this post and now it's here and I just gotta 'cat up' and do it. You can't imagine how difficult it is knowing how much each of alla y'all means to me (and That Woman) and how, paws down, tails up; you are all just the best furiends a crazy ol' bat like me could ever have. (Raises her Niptini in salute)

(ya; mine's extra dirty!)
So here's my news: it's time for me to move on to my next adventure.
(damn I was cute!)
I came here to That Woman and The Gurl like 8 or maybe even 9 lives ago and I been here; watchin over 'em since that day, 19 years ago now. I been thru times with the 'Little Gurl', when she thought baby ducks were better 'n cats and she found out when they grew up into BIG ducks that they really were vicious toe biters (merciless to wee little pedicured tender toes stickin out them jellie shoes)!
And we played lots o' games together, and when I say 'we' I really mean
Then when she thought chickens might be better than cats! While they was kinda all right n'all given I got all the rats I could catch *looks wistful into the middle distance* OOOohhh kitties; them were the days:

That Woman said I would only allow The Gurl to do this to me!
Back then I would occasionally take mini vacations and be gone for a few days, but I always came home again, right as rain.

See, we wasn't all that close those early years. She was still broken over her losin her GinGin , her heart cat that came before me. And I'm not really the lap sittin, cuddly type meself (you couldn't guess that right?)

Then she went thru a sorta dark time; you know kitties, like some humans get all sad alla time and nothing really makes it right. During that time, she would sit out on the back porch swing and cry. Oh she was all quiet about it so The Gurl didn't know, but anykitty could see. So one time, late in the evening she was out there I sidled up next to her and curled up right next to her. She was all kinda startled at first but then she pet me, and I didn't run off, I just stretched my toes and turned on my purr real loud.

Oh kitties! The kitties I've seen! I been here through lots o' cats. Foster cats, adopted cats; visiting cats; babysitting Bengal cats! (they is pretty exciting) and even wee kittentots. Sadly, we've lost cats too and every time she'd swear "no more indoor/outdoor kitties!" But ya know, I ain't no housecat and I would pester her for months until she would relent and let us out with her in the backyard again.

It's been a hell of a ride and anycat couldn't have asked for a better run! Giant backyard trees to climb (and ambush birds-and scrappie) lizards, rats,

mice, bugs, and inside all the peoples! No one was ever mean, they all pet me if I was around and gave my straight up tail a gentle tug now and again. (I loves that) And there was treats!

and Secret Paws Christmas'

and love letters from my 'special mancat-SS'

and toys

I truly love testin them out and makin sure they are all filled with lovely scents and some of my furrs too! I have loved seeing all they happy kitties who have ordered them and all the other happy kitties who one auctions! It means a lot to me that That Woman has copyrighted my name for all time! So now even though I'm not here they is still "Ms. Stella O'Houligan's Premium CatNip Quilts!" Who'd a thought an irascible ol ladycat like me would have a legacy? Whoohoo!

But even this smokin fun ride's gotta end. I'm down to just fur and bones and grit! While I'm still enjoying sun puddles I can't hear stuff anymore.

When I gets up my 'get up and go' takes a bit to catch up. And ya know, these old bones and teefs is just givin me grief. I done my best to hide it all from That Woman but damned if she can't just see right thru me! So we been havin talks and I been tellin' her little by little that I think it's time.

The ones that come before who live in starlight, the ones still here feeling the sun on their furs; and as for me?
Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

Ms. Stella, yep, you've had quite the run...but we're still shedding a few tears knowing that you have moved on. Have fun on your new adventures...but we'll miss you and your sassiness.
ReplyDeletePurrs to the Woman...
Somehow I know you will always be there, in my heart. I am sad to know you have crossed into the next plane, but am happy to have at least met your 'stuffie' and your loverly mum!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a helluva ride, Ms Stella. We raise a glass to you tonight here at our little house by the sea, up the coast from you. Run free, dear friend, and we will see you on the other side. xoxo
ReplyDeleteEach of you stays with each of us forever and ever whether it's in our laps or in our hearts.
ReplyDeleteOh Ms. Stella, only a Cat as Classy as Yourself would choose to go on her next Big Journey with such style and panache.
ReplyDeleteWhile our Mommy sheds tears for you, we'll be busy looking for that (YOUR) new start in the firmament tonight; it will be the brightest one, we're sure of that.
We'll miss you in body only. Your Spirit will always move within us.
Love, The Katnip Lounge Kats
This is such a beautiful tribute to Ms. Stella and the love that you will forever share.
ReplyDeleteA beautiful tribute, our eyes are very blurry now... fly free sweet girl. You will not be forgotten.
ReplyDeleteMom says that you really made her heart hurt. This was such a beautiful but tearful farewell. We will be looking for you in the heavens, Ms. Stella. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteMizz Stella, our mom is leaking ALL OVER Maxie's furs right now. For realz.
ReplyDeleteWe know That Woman will surely miss you, so very much.....
We know you'll always live in her heart, but these humans are kinda fragile and need our healing purrs time and again. Good thing that ornj kitteh is around, huh!
Bon voyage, Mistress O'Houligan, we shall miss you something fierce! Purrs to your human and love from ours....
Mizz Stella, our mom is leaking ALL OVER Maxie's furs right now. For realz.
ReplyDeleteWe know That Woman will surely miss you, so very much.....
We know you'll always live in her heart, but these humans are kinda fragile and need our healing purrs time and again. Good thing that ornj kitteh is around, huh!
Bon voyage, Mistress O'Houligan, we shall miss you something fierce! Purrs to your human and love from ours....
Oh, Ms. Stella, you're the classiest of the classy ladycats, to go out with such style. Pierre promises that once the head peep stops crying and it's safe to leave her lap, he's going to go look out the window into the night sky and find you, sparkling brightly. Many purrs and much love to you and especially to your human right now, <3
ReplyDeleteMs. Stella, The Human and I are verreh sad right now, as is only your due, my Good Ladycat. We are shedding some tears up here in the City by the Bay, and we're keeping our eyes on the firmament to see your Stellar star come streaking past. You are the Best, Ms. Stella, and we will miss you gurgling and chirruping across the miles--or, wait--maybe I will still be able to hear them across what is, after all, only a few additional miles now.
ReplyDeleteBut through our sadness we also feel gratitude to your Mom (and the Gurl too) for being such a GREAT life companion to you, and for preparing us a little for this day. We don't think the sadness will ever outweigh the joy of knowing you, and the fun of all our delightful letters, and the lovely scent you left on my quilts. I love you, Ms. Stella and I am so glad you and your Mom know that.
We know your Mom will be sad for a time, missing you, but also glad that you are free now. The Ornj Menace and the others will have to step up and comfort her through these hard days. Send her some purrs from the Bridge, y'hear? And then look up Booboo and Mr. Teeth and Clarkie. They're a fun bunch--you can have a LOT of fun being Cranky with Booboo--she was a feisty nineteen-year-old when she made her journey, too.
Till we meet again, my sweet, sweet girl!
It was a beautiful post Stella, but we still be missing you bunches! Don't worry we'll be keepin a close eye on that wiley Mom of yours, too.
ReplyDeleteNow if you'll just excuse us, our Mommy needs to leak a little, too.
Sending lots of love, nosebumpies, and kitteh >>kisses<< to you all.
We're looking up at the stars and sure we see you with our Finny. We loved reading about all your exploits. We send our love and purrs to That Woman and The Gurl who must be missing you already. Hope the other kitties can give them some extra love. We'll watch the stars and think of you till we all meet again - you're a star.
ReplyDeleteStella, that was just the most awesome outro and I tip my paw to you. And I am purring lots for TW. I'm at the OC Pet Expo this weekend doing a cat show and if she wants to drop by, I will try to purr in person for her too, and my human will give her a big hug. But if it hurts too much for her to be around all these kitties, I will purr for her all the harder.
ReplyDeleteMs. Stella, we are privileged to have met you, even tho it was only a short time ago. We is sending our heartfelt purrs for your beans as we know they must be hurting even tho you told them it was time to go.
ReplyDeleteSaku is looking out the window right now - he is certain he sees your star.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
Glad you enjoyed the ride, Ms. Stella, that's what it's all about. We're sending purrs to your human.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I've ever commented before, but my human and I read your blog every once in awhile. I looked up to you Ms. Stella as I too enjoyed outside and catching birds and rodents. Many purrs to your humans and fellow kitties.
ReplyDeleteOh Ms. Stella, that was such a good tribute that you wrote for yourself. We are so sorry you had to leave. Great big tears here. We know your Mom is very sad and so we are sending her lots of hugs and a bunch of head bumps.
ReplyDeleteMs Stellie, Mom and I are deeply saddened at you having gone away from all of us. We know we will join you and hear you again by and by, but not hearing you now really hurts so much. You have always been Admiral's and my hero and you will not ever lose that status with us. Always and ever our love to you dear girl. There are many of your dear furriends who greeted you I know and if I know Admiral, she elbowed all the others out of her way to get to you. Hugs and understanding to your mom and the gurl. They will be missing you so much and their hearts are hurting but we will be there for them, purring our loudest. XXOOXX
ReplyDeleteMiss Stella, right to the end you have had chutzpah and class. Me and mum are totally in tears here. You were an inspiration to all indoor/outdoor kitties and you are going to be so missed in your home and around the blogosphere! I will look for your star every night in the sky and salute you xoxoxox
ReplyDeleteOh Ms Stella dear, I am so very sorry it was time for you to depart, but I do understand. You are a very special gal and you filled many a heart with joy. Love and hugs to you and to that very special Mom of yours.
ReplyDeleteDid you see our Lily when you got to the stars? We know your humans will be so very sad to lose you but you are eternal just like us and you will be with them again one day. You are just on the other side of the veil, waiting.
ReplyDeleteWith sympathy,
Cats of wildcat woods
What a wonderful last post, Stella. We know your people will miss you and so will Mom and I. You have been such a sweet friend. Mom is teary while she types this for me. Fly high, and we will look for your star. Hugs and nosekissies for your Mom.
ReplyDeleteYou are amongst the stars now Miss Stella and that makes you eternally beautiful. The love you shared will always endure and be strong in the hearts of those who miss you. Such a touching and loving tribute to a extraordinary life, well lived. I am so very sorry and will keep you in our purrs and prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post and tribute so such a lovely kitty.
ReplyDeleteShe had a happy life and we know she was a wonderful companion.
You will miss her lots and for that we send you comforting purrs and headbumps.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
That is one of the most amazing farewell posts EVER. You are one special little lady and will never be forgotten. {{{Purrs}}}
ReplyDeletesad sighs and a tight hug.... a most beautiful tribute to the most beautiful friend.
ReplyDeleteWes to leaky eyed to comment right now...wes will be backs later.
ReplyDeleteFarewell dear furrend and wes sends Mommy strength
Many many kisses
Mario here: This is the best tribute post we have ever read. Miiss Stella, you were a very very special kitty who was loved by so many, including all your blogging pals. I just has to give you my Mario SMOOCH. You were one special ladycat. What a ride you have had girl - now it's time to slow down and take long naps on that star of yours. Mary here: my heart is breaking for you, the human, as we know how special Miss Stella was to you. Miss Stella was special to you, and certainly you were special to Miss Stella. She will live in all our hearts forever. I'm sending big HUGS to you, her family, and we will miss her too.
ReplyDeleteA lovely look at the stars--here and beyond-
ReplyDeleteA special tribute post to Ms Stella. We are saddened it came her time to leave. We so enjoyed knowing and interviewing her. Although she will be okay, we know the human is hurting. A warm hug, soft purrs and paw taps of comfort for the human.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know if I should be paying my respects or coming to pawty to celebrate your life, Ms. Stella. You’ve lived a life and did it Your Way as some guy named Frankie would say! Cheers to you *raises glass* and comforting purrz to those left behind.
ReplyDeleteYou've made our Mum have leaky eyes reading your last post to everyone Miss Stella. We hope your human is being brave and is giving you many cuddles and kisses.
ReplyDeleteLuv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh Ms Stella, you have had such a full life. We will miss you very much. Purrs of sympathy and paws of comfort for the family you leave behind. We know they will be lonely without you.
ReplyDeleteMs Stella, we will all miss you very much. Me and my mum have read your beautiful post with our eyes leaking so much it was hard to read the words.
ReplyDeleteEvery night when the sky is clear we look at Eric's star. We will be sure to look at your star too. We love you.
Purrs (((hugs))) and love to That Woman and The Gurl.
We think that was the best goodbye we ever seen...
ReplyDeleteMs Stella, we raise our tails and purr you on to that new adventure, you had such a good life, you left big paw prints and love all over. Sending purrs and love to your family, you keep an eye on them...
& The Ape xx
Ms. Stella, you were an inspiration to us all. Many hugs to you as you find those who went before. And hugs and purrs and purrayers to those left behind.
ReplyDeleteLuf, All of us at Forty Paws and Maw
Cheers to you Stella, you did it your way. Have fun at The Bridge, say hi to Derby and all the gang who have gone before.
ReplyDeleteMs. Stella, this post was a shock to us, because we haven't stopped done much blogging in a quite a while. Our eyes are leaky reading these words -- we're deeply saddened that you've now passed from this world. Our human went through Very Bad Times before we came, and angel Annie, while never a lap cat, always came to her side to comfort her and stay with her. So our human is so deeply sorry for your passing, for the hole it leaves in your own human's heart. We wish we had words of comfort, but of course there are none. Be at peace, and may your human find her own peace at the end of her journey through grief. Purrs and hugs.
ReplyDeleteNicki, Derry and Kim
two de dee vine mizz S....we raiz R paws in honor oh ewe N all ewe were about...
ReplyDeletea gorgeouz sassy larger N life gal pal who we will never forgetz....heerz ta lizardz, bugs,
midnite strollz, mize, ratz, yur gurl, yur mom, be jezuz we will even say....burdz....ewe R
N all wayz will be R total lee rockin way kewl awesum, kindred spirit oh trout....we will
never forgetz ewe stella...with loves two ewe, mom, N de gurl.....tuna, boomer, dai$y,
and dude N sauce two....XXXXX N if yur mom wood like R traditional St Francis prayer
sent for ewe....pleez ta let uz noe......XXXXX
Awwww Ms Stella! We are so sad to read this. We will look up to the heavens and wave to that brightest star and take comfort knowing that you are having such adventures at the Bridge. Purrs and hugs, take care
What a full , adventuresome, love filled life you led Ms. Stella O'Houligan. Who could ever forget you? Certainly not us! You were one of the first cool cats to come and say hello to us when we first started blogging. And Esme has one of your cherished quilts that she loves well and forever. We know our angels, Lewis, Tulip and Leo are all lined up to welcome you , embrace you and to shine and hang your star for you , for all to admire your bright and everlasting light way up high in the sky. We in turn are lined up here on earth to give your Mama a heartfelt embrace , our love and our sincere condolences. We know she will miss you. Rest in peace little one.
ReplyDeletethe critters in the cottage xo
Oh Ms. Stella... you've done a fine job of bringing the girl here to sloppy wet tears. We're going to be waving at your star each night and sending That Woman all the hugs and love we can gather up. Enjoy the starlight, sweet girl. xoxo
ReplyDeleteDear sweet Ms. Stella, how we are going to miss you so much. You were deep in our hearts from the very start and we will cherish your homecoming quilt to our mama Zuzu all the more now. We'll make a wish on your star tonight and are sending hugs and endless comforting purrs to That Woman. We know you'll run free and far for this next adventure, sweetheart, but you'll never be too far from our hearts. Until we all meet again, Purrs....
ReplyDeleteMiss Stella, you have made my "that woman" go all slobbery sobbing. She loved you and your talks with That Woman; even met her in Las Vegas. We helped out with some green papers when you had you toe surgery and we still laugh when we reread the post with you yellin' at That Woman for not demanding the vet NOT USE PINK bandages.You could have been a stand up comicat for sure. *raises niptini in salute* Here's to you Miss Stella; be seein' you in the stars.
ReplyDeleteMs. Stella, we'll be looking at the sky tonight, blowing kisses into the starlight. So glad you had a good life while you were here, full of nip and crawlies to pounce on. I know we had a good furriend we'll always remember. Sending hugs and kisses to your family.
ReplyDeleteTinker, Anastasia, Chopin and Bridgie with mom Julie xx
fair thee well ms stella
ReplyDeleteStella the Dad and we Man Cats along with Miss Fitz are wet eyed at the beauty of your life. You have reached out to touch so many even as you kept your own self dignified and a bit tough as, after all, is not the best way to truly give. May you fly free and run with young paws in joy in that place of fun in the sun and just purrfect spots to nap after a nice chase of a rat or such. Watch over us until that day we all meet again.
ReplyDeleteLove Purrs and Prayers
Timmy, Dad Pete and Family
What a beautiful post. It made us cry. We are so very, very sorry for the loss of Ms. Stella. She was a beautiful kitty and we are pleased to have been able to learn about her life. sending lots of hugs and love. - Alana and Crepes.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had a good life while you were here, full of nip and crawlies to pounce on.
ReplyDeleteSending lots of huggies to your family !
We just found out. We are so sorry to hear of your passing! You were an original, my girl. Our most heartfelt condolences to your family.
ReplyDeleteOH Ms Stella, you have such an incredible journey ahead of you.. and we wish you well... but I do hope you come back and and visit your mom from time to time because I know she is absolutely heartbroken that you have moved on.. Hopefully time will heal her heart so she can remember the good times instead of the pain of your leaving sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteoh my heavens...your star will always burn bright into the heart of those you loved so well and left behind beautiful Ms Stella! you have a wonderful way of explaining the world of cat that you have lived with your humans...my mommy kept wiping tears away...she never ever does that, except last month when our Miss Hunny Bunny left for the other side of the rainbow...we understand the pain of loss...but the gift of love and life shared with our kiddens is the price we pay. they say that time is a tonic...so we wait...and wait and wait...
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to see you leave when I only recently discovered your blog. I am glad you had a wonderful life full of love.
ReplyDeleteI regret never knowing you, Ms. Stella. (I saw a post on FB.) You're beautiful. I'm so sorry for your mom. You had such a happy life and were so obviously loved. What an amazing kitty you are. My deepest condolences to your mom and family.
ReplyDeleteSendin lotsa purrs to your family.
ReplyDeleteWe're so sorry for your loss. Hope you can find peace in the beautiful memories that you had together. Run Free purrty girl...*whipes tears away*. Soft Pawkisses <3
ReplyDeleteDear loved ones❤️
ReplyDeleteStella was greeted and welcomed at Heaven's gates by Caesar and Princess and all of the others, with open paws. 19 is a long life, full of happenings and adventures. Stella will always leave a deep imprint, her beautiful pawprint right on our hearts forever.
Stella is safe. She had the best life ever.
Love always, Pierro, Miles and Rosemary
Sweet Ms. Stella we are so sorry and sad that you have had to leave us. You will be greatly missed. Every time we look at the night time sky we will look for your bright shining star sweetie. We are sending lots of warm hugs, purrs and prayers for you family. Mumsy, Popsy, Pooh, Chancy and Baby Boy
ReplyDeleteOh, I always shed tears...We are sad to hear it was time to go. What a wonderful life it was, sweetie.
ReplyDeleteWe're sending hugs and purrs. Jenna will look for you tonight during her neighborhood watch.
Farewell, sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you had to go, but you had a wonderful long life, full of everything a cat loves. Farewell. I send hugs to the woman and the kitties send comforting purrs.
ReplyDeleteMs. Stella is was really nice to read your story. All in all you were loved very much. It is always sad when it is time to go, especially for the ones left who loved you. Hugs and prayers for the humans. God Bless.
ReplyDeletethis is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read. So well stated and with your grief I don't know how you pulled it off. Ms.Stella was blessed to have you (and of course, you, her.) You helped give her a long and beautiful life. May she continue with exciting adventures over the Bridge, my Angel Bobo would love to play with her. (((hugs)) and my deepest sympathy to you.
ReplyDelete*squeekss* Mee-you? Mee-mme-you Stella'ss Mumma an Thee Gurl mee name iss Purrince Siddhartha henry an mee iss at Thee Purrfect Pad on Werdpress with mee LadyMum (Nylabluesmum).
ReplyDeletemee iss thee boyfurend off Purrincess Phoebe of 15andMeowing an mee saw that yur beeluvved STELLA had gone to Pure Land!!
Pleeze accept our sympaffiess fur yur loss an pleeze know Stella iss safe with Auntyss' Nylablue an Mingflower who will take care of her...Sprakle kittygurl will be there fur sure.
LadyMum sayss shee saw thee brite star 2nd frum thee rite last nite an it shone so britelee an shee wundered why....now wee know it iss Stella gurl lettin thee werld know shee iss all rite.
gentull **paw patss** an reespect Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
We are so sorry for your loss. This is such a beautiful post. Stella had such a wonderful happy life, being loved dearly. We are winding soft purrs and hugs to you..
ReplyDeleteOh what a wonderful post. I don't think I've ever read one like it. Ms. Stella was quite the cat.
ReplyDeleteWe knew you knew this was coming, but that doesn't make it any less painful. We are so sorry. You gave Miss Stella a wonderful life, and she gave back so much in return. Biggest purrs and hugs to you. Beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post, truly beautiful. We're full of leaky eyes here. Our hearts are breaking for your woman. Hugs to all.
ReplyDeleteWe're so sorry for your loss. This is a very beautiful post. We send you tender purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry to read this. Ms Stella knew it was time, just as my Tungsten did. She told me, and Ms Stella told That Woman. It may be time, but it's never time enough. Godspeed, Ms Stella.
ReplyDeleteWow. WHAT a post!! I have alot of furry friends up their in the Stardust. Hope Ms.Stella gets to meet some of them. Glad Ms Stella got to live The Good Life while she was here.
ReplyDeleteMuch love from Chrystal at Winnie's Wish & daily dose of dogs (aka cats with your coffee)
So precious. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing kitty. Purrs to you.
ReplyDeleteFly free brave spirit. Hang in there Mum.
ReplyDeletee and Mom are so sorry but we always do love you, Ms.Stella.
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the first early friends for me when my mom started blog. We always have fun, laughing..learned from each other how to train our human. It's so hard to believe you went to rainbow bridge ! and seriously, this post make me & mom cry cause we miss you.
Rest in peace, Ms.Stella
Lots of love
Oh Ms Stella, what a special, special Ladycat you are, we wish you all great new adventures at the Bridge...We are holding That Woman close in our thoughts and hearts as she grieves the loss of precious you and we are sending her our gentlest, comforting purrs, we are so sorry. Beautiful tribute to an amazing feline...