Ms. Jenga here
let's me tell you about my favorite part of the day...
When it's time for that woman to be home; I KNOW when she's coming. I start yowling my loudest (so she can hear me a couplea blocks away) I'll bet you kitteh's all ready knew that we can tell our slave's cars by their individual sounds from a mile away at least! Anyhow; The Rat That Gurl was home from school one time & she told on me. The Tattletail The Gurl was in the big room where the noisy box is. When That Woman is not home I can't be in there or I will remind the other three plebeians who the real boss is.
When That Woman comes in the door; my yowling has increased to a fever pitch (someday she will figure out how to do a video of this and post it so's anykitty can hear) I am SO insistent that she drops her purse at the table; opens the cat food holder, scoops out my dinner rations and comes straight in to my room to feed ME. NEVER MIND that the other three are each sitting very quietly and politely next to their respective dishes on the floor (which She has said is truly adorable to see). I AM FIRST. ME. FIRST.
So... when she comes in know what I do? know what? know what???
I will run over to my dish meyowling; as soon as she stoops down to put the food in; I immediately put my head in the dish so she can't putz the food there. MOL!!! Get's her every time! Sometimes if she's quick she will try to grab the dish first; I just whap the wretched thing and fling it back down on the carpet and then stick my head in. It's not eben plastic! I'm a good whapper!
So then , when I've had enough, I finally let her put the food in the dish & place it down for me. But, our fun isn't over yet! I will bury my head down and act as if I'm eating... I might even crunch one or two... but my eyes is watchin' her outta their corners... if I look up too fast the kibbles just drops on that carpets... I see then just in time she is leaving to feed the others.
Once that door closes can you guess what I do next??
Can ya? Yup!! You guessed it!!
I Start yowling again right at the door crack (where it sounds the loudest) to beat the band! Loud & long & sometimes I can't even conceal my contempt and She swears She can hear the sarcasm in my music! I tell her it's just that I feel it necessary to alert the authorities of this brutal, cruel treamtent!
It's so pawsome I laffs my self silly. She's in the kitchen feedin the others & I'm screamin up a storm. She has to come right back in so I will eat. She tries to get outta her 'workin' clothes and into her 'walkin' clothes (why the heck do humans need to change their furrs alla timez? They is so weird!) but I have plan for dat too. I takes one of her walkin' shoes and I hides it in da closet. See, sometimes when I'm mad at Her; I'll hide in dere. Dere's a box wif something she calls her 'skinny clothes' and I lay all over dem. I don't think she'll be gettin' dat box out again any time soons, especially since I'm so good at hidin her shoe! *MOL*
See what it's all about yet?
She says I'm 'High Maintenance' but I know the truth
I don't wantz to eat all by myselfs
So wait for her, no matter how hungry I am
I sit and yowl and wait till she comes back in MY room (if She is going to be really late; The Gurl feeds me BUT I don't eats it; I still yowl and wait) It's way funnee when she thinks The Gurl didn't feed me; she gets all crabulated at her and I laffs den too cos they are arguin till they get all quiet & then I hear That Woman say 'JeeeeennnngggaaAAAA!"
but only when she comes in and sits with me will I eat.
I do this to her
it's how I show her how much I needz her
and the fact that she moves rather quickly to come back in to be with me; tells me a thing about her too
Dat's how we roll