Saturday, April 06, 2013

Son day

So today was the day That Woman decided since she had finished a very big art deadline, had a clean house & didn't have anything else to do today(that was really important); she would cover the otto-man.  First she had to take it all apart, which meant un-sewing so she could use the old one as the pattern. 

It was really dirty and taking the buttons off was a real pain her old fingers. 

Here I am on the cushie part, just makin sure it stays safe & doesn't get all shredded or anything...   


you can see how hard my job was

Here it is all done.  After breaking several needles on her sewing machine, a trip to the sewing store for a tougher needle.  The buttons had to be recovered in regular material since the buttons were too small to cover with the sturdy upholstery material.  

She did get tricksy and even did the piping.  (didn't come out as good as the original but she is not a professional) 

I don't have the heart to point out that the stripes are going the wrong direction.  
I'll just make sure I lay on it alla times to cover that up.  




  1. Myself, I found your job is very difficult !
    To curl PURRFECT and don't drop off the cushion. Need a very good skill !
    Treats after this ? You should ask ; )

  2. Ollie, you should have been more involved in the decision making. Then the stripes would have gone in the right direction.

  3. Well, we think she did pretty good. The mom needs to recover some chairs but the piping part scares she hasn't done them yet.

  4. We like the new fabric a lot and we think the stripes are fine the way they are...Quit yer yowlin', Ollie (by the way, you have grown into quite the handsome Mancat!)

  5. Stripes in the WRONG direction!?! Me thinks maybe YOUR stripes is wrong. But then, laying on it will covers it with furs and it will be just fine!

  6. You are the man of the house and you did your job with distinction! Ollie, I may ask if you are for hire? xxxooo

  7. Well I think those stripes would be comfy in any direction!

  8. You did a great job holding down the cushion and we think That Woman did a great job on them too! Our mommy can't sew nothing so it would've been stapled which is way worse than wrong way stripes!

  9. Oh, we like it! Your mom did a great job. And so did you, Ollie!


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