In which we find our intrepid Ms. Stella; "Queen and High Ruler of All the Kingdoms, Her Worshipfulness and Ever The Most Awesome *breath* and Fearless Flyer of All Timez who can Still do a quadruple back flip!" ("very good elliott, you may be seated - not too close mind!" Elliott: "Oh Thank You Ms Stella!" )
"I shall endeavor to teach each of you mutants some proper flying skillz. This should help keep the noise down whilst I take my well earned naps. I've had quite enough of crashes and yelling by That Woman! You boyz pay attention!"
(so i was all like...'YA I wanna buy the gold fishes, whaddaya tink I said? and den he was all like... )
Ms. Stella: "OLLIE! R U Paying ATTENTION?"
'Wha? Oh, Yes Sir-Ma'am! Sorry Ma'am!'
MS: "I think this is gonna be a long afternooon."
Now, I've asked That Woman to help out today by waving around that silly stick and with flippy bits to help get you into the air!
Here we go...
first, you never, ever, ever take your eyes offa dat ting! *oh; and always make sure the lighting is just right too so the photo shows off your glorious red furred ear*
"Then just as That Woman flings the thing make sure The Gurl isn't ready on the camera so you get a perfect blown shot like this...
now you can spend the next few minutes resting (and laffing) whilst they argue over whose fault it was-truly, it doesn't get more purrrfect than that!.
"Now, it's your turn mutants... Elliot, you go first"
'eyes on the prize...eyes on the prize... and )
"PERFECT! That was great Eli! Now take 5 whilst the yelling starts again..."
"Ollie! OLLIE! Dude, You're up.. "
"Oh, ya, I'm up... now wha? o...k... ummmm... eyes on the side... eyes on the side... and )
"EXCELLENT OLLIE! I didn't think your elevator went alla way to the top but you pulled it off! ConCats!"
I pride myself on this one!
Just look at my magnificent tail!
Now Eli, it's your turn again...
Wha? This is no time for playing dead!
Or playing the hokey-pokey Ollie!
Honestly, you boyz are ADHD!
I'm callin' in some backup..
Elliot: "Stop touching me!"
Ollie: I'm touching you!"
Scrapps: "Here SHE comes, you guys knock it off!"
"Hummmm, think while Scraps is bbsitting, I've got time for some quick shots for my beloved...
...wishing you were here my lover...
oh dear. those goons have chased poor Scrapps off. Guess I'd better get back to them.
And the wind up...
Nice One!
"Eli, you can't just yell at it to get into your mouth!"
Elliott: "I'm the baby, I can do whatever I want"
*sigh* "all right guys, We'll practice more later after your naps. "
That's it for now kitties, hope you enjoyed our flying lessons
Ms. Stella O'Houligan