Tuesday, January 25, 2011

These went out yesterday!

Can you guess who this one is for?
click images to enlarge

This one is more camouflaged.

I had fun quilting this special one for Miss Luscious Lucy!

They went out with two CatNip Birdz too. 
Their mom requested turquoise green and cream shades.  I found this fabric & bought extra it is sooooo pretty I think with the pussy willows! 

Remember; these are all made special to order and personalized.  The size is typically 22" x 23" and they are machine quilted by me.  Price $30.00ea. 


  1. Just gorgeous, you do beautiful work!
    xx trish

  2. Sam and Lucy will be THRILLED! I told them how much I loved mine. I have a friend who wants one for her boy, Mr. T.

  3. Wow this is beeeeyooootiful!
    You do lovely work - so artistic!
    my mom does quilting but she just has an olde machine and she is not that good but it is fun to watch her with her glasses on heehee


  4. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

  5. OH!!! We are so excited that we've already started rolling all over the floor! Sam just yelled, "LOOK! There's my NAME!" Who would have ever thought he'd get all girly like me ;)
    We already decided we were going to have a contest in bunny kicking and I can't wait! Miss Stella, you tell your MOST wonderful mom that we are waiting right beside the door and we'll get our mom to take pictures of us even though they might be a bit blurry since they'll be "action" shots, woooohoooo!
    Mom says it is all so beautiful and she loves the idea of the pussy willows, too. She says your mom is such an ar-teee-st!

  6. Wow !!!! Impressive Miss Stacy : )
    I can't wait to see them on your quilts

  7. Wow! That's so beautiful!

  8. It is truly beautiful!


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