Shelter: something beneath, behind, or within which a person, animal,or thing is protected from storms, adverse conditions, etc.; refuge.
Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? But most of us know that it really is quite complex, not to mention expensive. My friend Kika thought it would be a good idea for all of us to call attention to the many, many needs that shelters have. Those of us in the United States and the United Kingdom know how brutal the winter and been already. Many of our friends in Australia are experiencing devastating floods. Our pals in Brazil have had horrible landslides. The need is great.
We all know that many economies are bad and huge cash donations are not always possible. But remember, animal shelters need all kind of things and every little bit can really help make a difference. Here is a quick list of items that come to mind:
- Canned and dry puppy and kitten food and milk replacer for puppies and kittens
- Flea control meds
- Paper products such as paper towels and toilet tissue
- Cat litter and scoops
- Puppy pads
- Copy paper
- Bandages (all sizes)
- Free standing storage cabinets
- Cleaning supplies (bleach, laundry detergent, fantastik, window cleaner)
- Blankets, sheets and towels
- Many miscellaneous items that can be sold to raise money
Listen, when you run an animal shelter, the little things mean a lot. Don’t forget, you can donate an hour or two of your time on a regular basis too. The easiest thing to do is ask you local shelter what they need. Then see if you can help, just remember, you don’t have to do the whole thing, but you can spread the word and perhaps help a little.
Thanks to all of those participating in ShelterAware24. We hope to make this an annual event on January 24th. Hopefully shelter awareness will be with us 24 hours a day.
Thanks for purrticipating and spreading the word!!!