and bade me take my morning coffee outside; on the bench; under the umbrella where I could survey my backyard sanctuary. "Look around" she whispered... "The dragons are coming and there's nowhere to land... The Golden Bumble bees all ready patrol the honeysuckle. The mantid's will be here and need more flowers to protect than this don't you think?" I look at her askance at the Mantid remark, I mean, it wasn't long ago in her kitten hood I remember well, she had a green one on the carpet in the house & it was holding it's own against her. She was mystified how something so small could still be so fierce and not succumb to her velvet paws of death. I reminded her that it wasn't polite to mess thing things smaller than yourself. I explained about the poor hummingbird that got too close to a hunting Mantid and lost it's life! She has never brought another one in the house.
I sent her in to wake her girl so we could go run errands & maybe, just maybe find somethings worthy of our coming royalty (and our lovely birds all ready here!) that would fit into our tiny budget.
We got some of these:
Then, El said; "MOM!" and pointed to this:
and she didn't understand why I laughed. I explained that I've killed more of these than I could count; I don't water that often; we are in a desert; I explained why we needed to find drought resistant plants and while they weren't always so showy and beautiful and dripping with yummy color; we needed to be kind to 'our' environment. I have a tiny space put aside in my yard where I do water frequently in summer just to stand and relax and gaze at the pretty things and re-connect to that part of me. Other than that; the rest of the large yard front & back is on it's own.
So I reminded her we all ready had these colors:
Her hibiscus I planted for her two years ago.
The Clivia my boss gave me several of 5 years ago (guess I should divide them this fall)
And this lovely rose named "The Perfect Moment"
Not to mention, My mother's day gift from El when she was 8; a Double Delight rose
and the ubiquitous Azaelyas
El's Rose; I believe it's called 'Confetti', her favorite:

When all was said and done; we hadn't planted anything; but felt accomplished. Now it's off to make Chicken & Dumplings for dinner. She approves:

GORGEOUS! Everything is just beautiful - the clivia is amazing. Your season is definitely further along than here. Roses are just budding now, bluebonnets are starting to peak, and azaleas look incredible.
ReplyDeleteSweet! Where will the dragons land indeed?
ReplyDeleteUmm - chicken and dumplings is my favorite thing to eat. "paws" has good taste. I'll have to send you a similar photo I took of one of mine super-fine felines !
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely way to spend the day!