Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hi! I'm Zack!

I yousta live wif That Woman's mom.  But hers got really sick. And even tho I visited hers in the weird smellin place, she didn't get better and didn't come home.

Its ok tho on accounta I know my VERY LOUD PURRS was all vibratin on her and she feeld 'em. She's livin wif Ms Stella now.  That Woman says theres two old cantankerous broads rasin 'you know what' cept I dont really know what on accounta I dont like rasins.

So then there was a looong dark and kinda scardey ride (it's ok-I meowed to That Woman so she wouldn't be scared and she singed to me in the car) and then I was here.

You can sees I'm not myself even layin on That Woman's pillow an all. Like right next to her there. On her pillow...and I'm a kinda droolie since I don't gots one of my fangs. I ain't let her see which one tho! Heeehehe.

So wees gettin to know each other and in betweens we cry together and her brushies me reall good too! I only yacked a little bit when I first was here last night cos I was so nervous wif all the other cat smells in this room. I even can see some cats under the door and I hissey faced 'em so they know I'm not a big baby.

Imma full breeded rag doll and imma BIGBOY! like 18 poundes. Whatever that means. That Woman says I gotta cut back on treats alla time.  But not just yet. She says we iz both stress eating but I dunno what that is either cuz I never tasted a stress and I think I would remember eatin a bunch of somfin like dat.  Or maybe not.

So I lives here now and I reeeealy hopes I can be friends wif the other kitties and we can all share the bed together pretty soons.  But not the same pillow.  


  1. Welcome, Zack! You've had a lot of changes, but we sure hope you'll settle in at at the very least peacefully coexist with the others in your new home. BTW, our human is ooohing and aaahing over you, you're gorgeous!

  2. Well so nice to meet you Zack! That is a pretty nice place you landed there - hope you get friendly with the other kitties soon!

  3. Hi Zack you and your lady have a lot of changes to find peace with. We think you are so handsome and we hope and believe you will both help one another.

  4. Zack, I think everything is going to work out well and you will be good for That Woman and she will be good for you. You are very handsome, buddy.

  5. You are most handsome Zack and I'm sure your charm will make everything okay.

  6. Zack, you are so handsome! We have a kitty here in the same position as you - Smokey came to live upstairs after my human's dad passed away. I got to meet her the other day! She was a little hissy, but I think she is nice anyway. We are looking for a home for her, though - my human thinks she needs a better, fewer-cat home than what we can offer her.

  7. Aw Zack, it's soooo nice ta meetcha! We hear from our momma that That Woman's a pretty cool human, and we just know you'll both heal up real good together.
    (Besides, we have it on very good authority that human tears make our furs rainwater soft. So it can't be ALL bad....)

  8. Zack, good to meet you. You are a handsome dude and I MAY have to flirt with you a bit. Be ready. I pretty Tuxie girl. xox

  9. My gosh he is one gorgeous boy kitty ! I think that you will be able to help each during this most difficult time. My love and prayers for you both dear friend(s).

  10. Hi Zack! Ya are one good lookin kitty dude!

  11. Hi Zack! You are a big handsome kitty. You and That Woman will help each other heal your broken hearts.

  12. Zack, you are a super handsome Mancat! We're sorry about your mom but we're glad you and TW have each other now. We know you'll love being with her.

  13. Zack, we're happy to meet you. We're real sorry about your mom but you have a pretty good new home now with the Woman. And we purr the other cats there will be furiends with you.

  14. dood....welcome home anda happee other new gotcha day two ewe......we bee too lee sorree ta lurn bout yur other mom; but thiz mom whooz houz yur in rite now iz total lee awesum, her can make ewe yur veree own quilt, she loves when catz bring her like mize N stuff :) N inn deed stress takes like $#!t sew due knot EVEN ask for a dish oh it.....fact...itz rite up ther with BURD......veree nice two meet ewe zack ♥♥♥

  15. Hey Zack! Mes thinks yous has comed home and mes thinks yous will soon learns to loves it (and the peoples and cats)
    You are one lucky Dude!

  16. Hi there Zack. You sure are a handsome boy. I am so sorry about your other woman had to leave but we are so glad that you are there with Stacy now to grieve together with her. Very Sad times for both of you. Sending huge hugs.

  17. Aw, sweet Zack! You has come home to the right house, Buddy. You don't really know it yet, but the Younger Woman who lives there? Well, she is a Cat Whisperer (we guess she learned it from the Older Woman who went to live with Ms. Stella in the Stars). I think it is a REAL GOOD THING that you are there with the Younger Woman who has had so much sad she needs a big floofy boy like you (and frankly so does that Ornj Boy Ollie--his furs was just soppin' all the time, Zack--he needs some relief, ya know?) We are purry and warm thinking of you and the T.Y.W. gettin' to know each other real good. XOXOXOXOXO

    1. You are so loving Spitty and Mommy.

  18. Hello Zack. So nice to meet you. Don't worry you'll get to know those other kitties in no time and you'll have a good time

  19. Welcome, Zack! you look like a big sweetie, and you are just the right medicine for your step-mom.

  20. Zack! Yous a cutie! Mes is wondering why your Mom's posts is not coming to my in box...mes shall has to check. Right now, mes stopped by to tells yous - Ollie is a WINNER!!!! Yep! He winned the Finish the Sentence Game!!!

  21. Oh, we're sorry we missed this post when you introduced yourself. And we're very sorry you and "That Woman" each lost your mom. So sad. :(


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