Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Christmas photo ops
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Under Construction
Ms Stella left April 17th. Two weeks later to the day, April 24th (3 days after her diagnosis of lung cancer) my mom died.
In September we had to let Miss Scraps go due to her quickly failing health.
So I find myself wanting to share my Secret Paws news and realize it's been since July that I've posted last.
I need to completely revamp the blog. My Ollie deserves it. We have had a foster kitten come back to live here after her adoption nearly a year ago. Little mezzer Misty girl. And completely had a 'Foster Fail' in Master Bruce (who my daughter and her boyfriend adopted the moment he was brought into the house. (I was just to 'cat sit' him for a few days till his permanent foster could be found.
And so it goes.
I want to rename the thing and use a different email log on but can't see how without starting completely over. But maybe that's a good thing. I still love to blog and seem to do very well with micro-blogging on facebook. But facebook will never be this place. So I will re do it and make it more comfortable for alla us and hopefully alla you too.
Thanks for reading and hangin in with us during this difficult period.
Be back soon!
That Woman
Miss Jack
& Bruce
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Ode to Ms. Stella
Friday, June 19, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Lucky 13!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Hi! I'm Zack!
I yousta live wif That Woman's mom. But hers got really sick. And even tho I visited hers in the weird smellin place, she didn't get better and didn't come home.
Its ok tho on accounta I know my VERY LOUD PURRS was all vibratin on her and she feeld 'em. She's livin wif Ms Stella now. That Woman says theres two old cantankerous broads rasin 'you know what' cept I dont really know what on accounta I dont like rasins.
So then there was a looong dark and kinda scardey ride (it's ok-I meowed to That Woman so she wouldn't be scared and she singed to me in the car) and then I was here.
You can sees I'm not myself even layin on That Woman's pillow an all. Like right next to her there. On her pillow...and I'm a kinda droolie since I don't gots one of my fangs. I ain't let her see which one tho! Heeehehe.
So wees gettin to know each other and in betweens we cry together and her brushies me reall good too! I only yacked a little bit when I first was here last night cos I was so nervous wif all the other cat smells in this room. I even can see some cats under the door and I hissey faced 'em so they know I'm not a big baby.
Imma full breeded rag doll and imma BIGBOY! like 18 poundes. Whatever that means. That Woman says I gotta cut back on treats alla time. But not just yet. She says we iz both stress eating but I dunno what that is either cuz I never tasted a stress and I think I would remember eatin a bunch of somfin like dat. Or maybe not.
So I lives here now and I reeeealy hopes I can be friends wif the other kitties and we can all share the bed together pretty soons. But not the same pillow.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Nellies mom did a fab job on her painting of the queen.
I love the paw print of our beloved toeless one.
Thank you to all for the kind words and thoughts during this awful time.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
A final note from HRH

Heya Hepcats and Killer LadyCats out there! Pour yourself a strong one and pull up a beddy next to me... I gots somethin to tell ya.
Alla the time I have thought about how I would write this post and now it's here and I just gotta 'cat up' and do it. You can't imagine how difficult it is knowing how much each of alla y'all means to me (and That Woman) and how, paws down, tails up; you are all just the best furiends a crazy ol' bat like me could ever have. (Raises her Niptini in salute)

So here's my news: it's time for me to move on to my next adventure.
I came here to That Woman and The Gurl like 8 or maybe even 9 lives ago and I been here; watchin over 'em since that day, 19 years ago now. I been thru times with the 'Little Gurl', when she thought baby ducks were better 'n cats and she found out when they grew up into BIG ducks that they really were vicious toe biters (merciless to wee little pedicured tender toes stickin out them jellie shoes)!
And we played lots o' games together, and when I say 'we' I really mean
Then when she thought chickens might be better than cats! While they was kinda all right n'all given I got all the rats I could catch *looks wistful into the middle distance* OOOohhh kitties; them were the days:

That Woman said I would only allow The Gurl to do this to me!
Back then I would occasionally take mini vacations and be gone for a few days, but I always came home again, right as rain.

See, we wasn't all that close those early years. She was still broken over her losin her GinGin , her heart cat that came before me. And I'm not really the lap sittin, cuddly type meself (you couldn't guess that right?)

Then she went thru a sorta dark time; you know kitties, like some humans get all sad alla time and nothing really makes it right. During that time, she would sit out on the back porch swing and cry. Oh she was all quiet about it so The Gurl didn't know, but anykitty could see. So one time, late in the evening she was out there I sidled up next to her and curled up right next to her. She was all kinda startled at first but then she pet me, and I didn't run off, I just stretched my toes and turned on my purr real loud.

Oh kitties! The kitties I've seen! I been here through lots o' cats. Foster cats, adopted cats; visiting cats; babysitting Bengal cats! (they is pretty exciting) and even wee kittentots. Sadly, we've lost cats too and every time she'd swear "no more indoor/outdoor kitties!" But ya know, I ain't no housecat and I would pester her for months until she would relent and let us out with her in the backyard again.

It's been a hell of a ride and anycat couldn't have asked for a better run! Giant backyard trees to climb (and ambush birds-and scrappie) lizards, rats,

mice, bugs, and inside all the peoples! No one was ever mean, they all pet me if I was around and gave my straight up tail a gentle tug now and again. (I loves that) And there was treats!

and Secret Paws Christmas'

and love letters from my 'special mancat-SS'

and toys

I truly love testin them out and makin sure they are all filled with lovely scents and some of my furrs too! I have loved seeing all they happy kitties who have ordered them and all the other happy kitties who one auctions! It means a lot to me that That Woman has copyrighted my name for all time! So now even though I'm not here they is still "Ms. Stella O'Houligan's Premium CatNip Quilts!" Who'd a thought an irascible ol ladycat like me would have a legacy? Whoohoo!

But even this smokin fun ride's gotta end. I'm down to just fur and bones and grit! While I'm still enjoying sun puddles I can't hear stuff anymore.

When I gets up my 'get up and go' takes a bit to catch up. And ya know, these old bones and teefs is just givin me grief. I done my best to hide it all from That Woman but damned if she can't just see right thru me! So we been havin talks and I been tellin' her little by little that I think it's time.

The ones that come before who live in starlight, the ones still here feeling the sun on their furs; and as for me?
Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.