Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Well, ONE of us is hard at work


 ya... keep walkin sister!

 That Woman here; SO wish I coulda got the shot of what happened right after this!  I was editing the photos when I heard a crash & saw floofed cats flying off in all directions!  Apparently, they were all buzzin on the nip when someone got too close to the metal tree dangly thing.  

Took them all at least 20 minutes to set paw back in the living room!  

This CatNip Quilt is going out to Scarlett & Mellie who won it in the auction for Sam, Andie & Shelley's family. 


  1. Sound Like a hot quilt !..MOL

  2. Yes, that would have been a fabulous "kodak moment." (If anyone remembers those old ads -- lol.)

    LOVE that quilt, it's gorgeous!

  3. Crash and run...works every time!

  4. Anonymous2:20 AM

    MOL! That's a great quilt!

  5. Hee! Looks like you have a great quality control team!


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