Sunday, November 23, 2008


This memory quilt was commissioned by a gal for her best friend. The mom passed away October 1 of this year. Our mutual hairdresser put her in touch with me to make a quilt out of the mom's clothing. After meeting with the daughter and learning more about the mom; I came up with this design. It's still a memory quilt in the sense that the border was created out of the fabrics from her clothes with a few brighter scraps from my stash. But it turned more into an art quilt in the middle :) She was a hippie of the 60's; loved dragonflies; flowers and frogs along with peace signs.

The dragonfly on the front was created out of the dress she wore to her daughter's wedding. I stitched the wing membranes in metallic opalescent threads & couched the silver frizze yarn as well as the multii-colored frizze yarns on the dragonfly. The frog is out of some great batik. The size is 56"long x 45"wide. The backing fabric was cut from a large backdrop fabric that was used at her 60th birthday. I quilted it from the back so the dragonfly appears to be crossing the moon of the peace sign from the front. The song "Moondance" kept playing in my head so that's what I've entitled it.

The poem that the family shared was 'I wish you enough' and I wrote the versus of that poem on the denim strips around the border in sharpie marker.

Her friend picked up the quilt tonight and was thrilled. I can't wait to hear how the daughter likes it. I agreed to keep the clothing for a couple months in case any of her family members want one also.


  1. Oh wow. The quilt is beautiful, and the story behind it just as lovely. Kudos.

  2. That's beautiful! I'm sure that the daughter will love it - such a a special reminder of her mother.

  3. Oh what a lovely and vibrant memory quilt. I am also working on another memory quilt for my neighbor. For his first little granddaughter I am going to make a doll and bear out of her grandmas clothing.
    found your blog through Unique Creations

  4. The dragonfly is awesome...great job making a memory into art.

  5. So beautiful. Your work is stunning.

    I'm certain this will be treasured.

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    From the way you described the mother that this quilt was made in memory of, you've captured her spirit perfectly! I love the whimsical feel, and the frog in the corner is way too cute!

    I also love the cheetah piece! The texture you've created by using the various colors, is awesome! Congratulations on the recognition!

  7. Here's the email she sent upon reciept of the quilt. I wanted to share it with you all:


    I just received the quilt in the mail. I can't even put into words how incredible the quilt is. It is PERFECT!

    I just can't stop looking at it or touching it! (Even smelling it because it smells like my mom). This is something I will cherish for the rest of my life. In the month that has past I have felt some intense grief and missed my mother desperately. This is such a great thing to have and I have already wrapped myself in it once tonight.

    Thank you for creating this piece of art and history for me to share with my children and hopefully someday my grandchildren. I want them to know my mom and reference this in stories about her.

    Thank you again,

  8. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Hi Stacy,

    Haven't been here for awhile and boy have I missed out. Your work is so beautiful, you are so very talented. The dragon head is just gorgeous.

    Haloween pics are great too, I love your costumes. You and your daughter could be sisters (but don't tell her I said that!)

  9. Great quilt, Stacy, you really have a special gift.

  10. Amazing. How special a memorial. Makes me wish I had saved some of Mike's favorite clothes for something like this..I gave most of my favorite things to friends to enjoy and donated his nice Canali suits to an organization called Menzfit, that clothes needy men for job interviews...


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