Sunday, December 14, 2014

Secret Santa!

I got a box all the way from New Zealand!   Can you kitteh beelieve that? That Woman wont let us open it yet but we just had to show the box!!


  1. Ooo awesome! I bet there's something awesome in there for you!

  2. Lucky you! I have a couple of guesses as to who this might be from! My human is more lenient - we would have had those presents open in a flash!

  3. Wow, that secret paws box has come a long, long way!

  4. Wow, that's a long way to travel! We're sure there will be lots of good stuff for you, when you (finally!) get to open it.

  5. That is very cool.. I can't wait to see what you get! :)

  6. That package has come a long way. I bet there are some lovely things in there for you.

  7. guys !! how kewl iz thiz !!! may bee its fresh flounder !!! we noe it will be a way awesum gift ♥♥

  8. WHAT FUN!!!

    You guys should be getting something from us this week...

  9. That is just awesome! Is it from Poppy Q or from Rumbles and Hammy, or from some buddy else? I am on the edge of my seat!

  10. That box sure travelled far. We hope there's good stuff in it. :)

  11. We got our Secret Paws today as well, and our mom is being stubborn about letting us open. Hope you can bribe your mom. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. I know who your Secret Paws is....

  13. Oooo how exciting! We have warm Santa in New Zealand! :)


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