Monday, June 03, 2013

This and that...

I love the way Scrappie looks.  

They all hide up on the couch (& King Ollie in his lair) lately as I've been cleaning so much. 

Ms. Stella approves of the table moved out from The Gurls old room. 

Ms. Stella at my feet on her woobie.  
**Note to Spitty Cat--- That knitted scarf became Ms. Stella's woobie. She seeks it out to make muffins and bliss out before nodding off all cozied up. 

The gals at my office sent me off with these lovely flowers from Trader Joes; Peonies, Glads & I think the filler is freezia.  Peonies are my favorite.  

I'm keeping a mini journal of what I do each day on my two week vacation.  There's nothing worse than getting to the end and wondering what in the heck you did and where did the time go.  
I filled a whole page today with things!  


  1. It sounds like you are being very industrious on your vacation - but where's the part where you wait on the cats hand and foot?

  2. MOm said she always used to keep one, but has not in too long a time. I told her the idea of keeping track of your cat's day is a superb thing to do while on vacation. I am sure Ms Stella O'Houligan Hero.

  3. Of course, your kittehs are being so helpful in snoopervising your work. Enjoy your vacation!

  4. guys...make sure yur mom doez knot forget ta put in her journal bout de grate trip her taked ta de petshop like ...oh petsmart.... N her wuz abe bull ta get grate deelz on food, toys, treetz, foodz, snaks, treetz and food !!!!

  5. Everyone sure does look comfy and happy!

  6. We like Ms. Stella's woobie. We bet it's great to make biscuits on.

  7. Humans' vacations always seem too short (I think to humans too).


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