Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Watercolor Wednesday

That Woman is taking a watercolor class online.
She has been cursing a lot
But it's fun to see the progression so 
here is lesson 4: Flowers
step one, pencil sketch
step two go over in .005 ink pen
step three, start painting 
( my favorite part, when the painted part leaps off the page!)  
I chose to do the flowers first, then the greens

 then greens then the hairs on the poppies
(totally my favorite part of a poppy)
And done.
I have so much more to learn about shading.  
But there you go. I'm enjoying it a lot and 
Ms. Stella is a resident on my ottoman 
tempting me to 'do her next'
maybe after lesson 100 squillion LOL



  1. Kozmo always tries to chew the end of my paint brush
    Nellie's Mom

  2. That's very pretty! My human would love to learn how to do that. Right now she is just making faux watercolors in photoshop... and they definitely do not have the charm or originality.

  3. oh my gosh! that is beautiful!!!
    watercolor is known to be the hardest medium, you did a wonderful job

  4. That is very, very nice!

  5. stella ; even if theeze bee gurlie flowerz N knot a pail of werms anda fishin pole; yur mom iz veree veree talented...grate werk mrs stella

  6. Wow, that is really pretty! Our mom could never stay within the lines. ;)


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