Um, so like a while ago some kitty who was havin troubles in the nether regions went to visit the vets office.
And while that kitty who shall remain nameless on account a they was just foolin and the whole ordeal was FiCATsco from the word GO and still ended up costing a gillzzillion doll hairs and That Woman chose to rather forget the entire incident...
While she was there they had our regular kitties we liked to visit,
There was the blind boy Forrest who is always a charmer
They also had a couple kittens who were up for adoption.
That Woman nearly traded our "entire kaboodle of ungrateful, food scarfin, treat whores" in for this model:
now I ask you, does the above cat-i-date look like they is even remotely suitable?
Good thing The Gurl was there and smacked That Woman in the head a few times (heehee, we woulda liked to have that on video) .
That Woman said she is rather enamoured with the
Trout Talkin Tabbies & took these photos just for them
we dunno what kinds of fish these are but they was a lot and we bet
the kitties who is boarded (their beds are right on the other side of the glass so they's can see the fishies alla time they is in their apartments) LOVE watching and plotting
Oh, the little goon again, That Woman was all 'squeeeee....he's so cute" and 'squeeee... he's so Meezer' and her last straw 'squeeeee I BET HE WOULD LOVE ME AND BE SWEET TO ME AND NOT EVER, EVER IN A MILLION SQUILLON YEARS MAKE ME WORRY MY HEAD OFF FOR NO REASON AT ALL!"
To which I added 'Lady? You is bonkers if you think that Meezer would be better than alla us combined! Meezers is HIGH maintenance & you don'ts buy enough Cheez-it's!
(All hail ScreamOline)
She hurumphed and went back to her underwater photography
(which is quite horrid but this one isn't so bad)
I wonder if he tastes like lemon? I don't like lemon as a rule... It's usually a side thing they put with fish...
We bet that black & white stripedy guy is tastey!
And we don't know what in the heck this is but we want someone to smash it with a shoe first!
Then we might take a snif.
Ollie says :"I can't help it that you got all worried over me & rushed me off to the vets only on accounta me squatting in each litter box & then runnin off outta there like my tail was on fire...
I like rollin in the litter boxes too
you may want to reconsider all them slobbering smacks you insist on
covering me in alla time
As an FYI
Our house is going through some really strange things right now; The Gurl has decided to finish her college in some place called Lost Wages or Lost Vegans or something and will be moving there in May.
And while that is a great thing for her
That Woman is really, well
kinda nuts right now.
She and The Gurl been alla they only had each other (well, aside from us) for waaaay long time.That Woman is wanderin the house all leaky and picks things up and puts them down & yesterday while The Gurl was at school she put the grab on Ollie & didn't let go till he was sopping! (He was a trooper and didn't struggle through the whole ordeal.)
We try tellin her that there is six of US and we ain't leavin and so what's the big deal
but she is not doing well at all. She is so weird cos anytime The Gurl is around she is all normal...No leaks, no weird acting, but Cod! As soon as The Gurl goes out somewhere it's like Niagra Falls!
So we asks you to send good thoughts
and maybe a CatPreserver or two (since there is six of us) so we can ford alla them flood waters!
Ms. Stella & OhLollie