Thursday, August 13, 2009

Work in Progress

This piece is for a challenge with one of my local art groups. The theme is Archaeology.

Specs: 28" W x 38" H. Verticle Orientation
*This is actually a prototype for a quilt that will be nearly 50" x 50"*

Title: 'Among the Runes'

This piece explores symbols and letters used by civilizations from past to present. The backdrop is side of a rock face or petroglyph cave. On the top and bottom there are Runes; most ancient of all lettering. Next, a layer with the symbols of alchemy; there are seven representing base metals (gold; silver; mercury; lead; copper; iron; tin).

Ancient Japanese Kangi symbols representing 'Magic Spell': the Celtic treskle; Egyptian Eye of Horus; Native American symbol for wisdom and Fibonacci's spiral are scattered throughout.

In the very center; we've traveled through the past to 'uncover and view' the present. Upon closer inspection; the bright turquoise silk strips have binary code written upon them; representing the language of our modern world.

What was interesting was making the two quilts; the top layer and the 'inside layer' had to be put together in tandem to get the colors; placement, etc. to work together. Then the moment of truth came; cutting that top layer open! The 'inside layer' was then placed in back; it is only pinned at this point. The backing fabric is an aboriginal print with snakes (who frequent caves and dark forgotten worlds).

Silk charmuse; organza; discharged silks, hand dyed cotton; cotton sateen; damask tulle; decorative yarns; beading; hand calligraphy.


  1. beautiful and mind blowing. I'd love to see a video of you working on a quilt one day.

  2. Absolutely incredible Stacy! Your work is so beautiful!

  3. What a thoughtful, technically astounding, wonderful piece of art! I can't wait to see the next piece!

  4. Sally, that would be fun to do! Sharla; some things coming your way for Issy & Angel. :)
    Susan; Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to starting it soon!

  5. Very very nice work ! Love the mystery elements!

  6. oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! Woman, that is awesome.

    Is that "moment of truth" a little nerve wracking?

    And wow.


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