This little mama was recently adopted! Isn't she gorgeous! Makes the effort totally worth while!

I got a last minute, hurry hurry, very special CatNip quilt order (that I won't spoil the surprise of yet) done this last weekend as well as picking up three more commissions for BIG quilts. Two are the T-shirt kind of memory quilt and one will be a table runner quilt made from the woman's deceased father's liturgical shawl's (that are all silk).

I would like to say that if you have a special occasion with your kitties; or would like Christmas themed CatNip quilts you should get your order requests in to me. I've done quilts for kitteh's birthdays, gotcha' days and even anniversaries. So do know those types are available (if a little bit more expensive owing to the specialty fabrics and other elements that can be added such as photos and such).

This next couple weeks will be spotty as I'm getting ready for a lecture/workshop coming up as well as covering extra hours at my day job so my boss can enjoy her daughters destination wedding.
But fear not; my new phone works fine so sometimes there may just be cutie pie photos showing up.
Thanks and stay cool all those kitteh's like us who are nearing triple digit heat again. Urg. This is what I threaten Ms. Ironjaw with when she gets particularly hissy. She opens her mouth just enough to say 'As If ' thought it comes out more of snigger---brat!
I know, doesn't it just tell a thousand words! (internet photo)
Luckily, I have been able to melt the pill in a tiny amount of water and then mix it with a teaspoon of her food; once she eats all that, I give her the rest of her meal.
Only way I can keep track to make sure she's getting her meds & not some other kitty.
The kittens eat in a separate room all together.