Dis my kitty...
Ms. Stella O'Houligan. She is 14. After she spent the morning chasing Scrappie, following me in the backyard & noshing on her special food she took a last look outside & saw clouds, and wind and decided it was a day best left for napping. So we are all in; warm; cozy; quiet. I'm busy sewing and Ms. Stella was kind enough not to move when I took, the umpteenth picture of my beloved, this morning.
I didn't think she would mind considering she was fast asleep; as I neared her I could hear her purring which tells me she knows I'm there but she didn't flinch. Just sort of cracked one of her luminescent green orbs and kept right on dozing. Ahhh, it's good to the be the Queen isn't it Ms. Stel? xo